Sunday, January 25, 2009

Beware of the Booty!!

How did I get such a fine look? Well, let me tell you!
It all started when I was in the kitchen waiting for my delicious waffle. I was pacing back in forth (because I revert back to my animalistic instincts around feeding time) when all the sudden I collided with Mommy's booty and face-planted onto the tile floor into my sippy cup I was carrying! Ouch!!!

My first big Boo Boo! =(((
Mommy was sooo sad!

Riding my neighbor's battery-charged motorcycle for the 1st time made it all better!
This is definitely going on my birthday wish list!!!

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Just Hanging Out! (The above wonderful pictures were taken by my dear friend and photographer, Dana Bone.)

Stealing a Kiss!

Having Fun with Mommy and Daddy

Enjoying the beautiful Austin days!